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Perfect Pizza/Pasta Sauce
  • Tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Sugar
  • Basil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Herbs oregano, rosemary… whatever you like
  1. Give your tomatoes a whir in the food processor or just roughly chop them into smallish pieces.
  2. Chop up the garlic. Lots and lots of garlic. Go ahead, don’t be scared.
  3. I’ve discovered that I don’t really like the taste of extra virgin olive oil, so I started using blended olive oil in dishes that call for it. It gives just a touch of flavour without overwhelming the dish.
  4. Sauté the garlic until it begins to give off that first whiff of garlicky scent. Take care not to burn it.
  5. Add the tomatoes.
  6. I added the salt, pepper, sugar and herbs at this point. But next time I think I’ll add them at the end so I can taste test better.
  7. Now let it reduce. And reduce. And reduce some more.
  8. When you have around five minutes to go, throw in a couple of fresh basil leaves.
  9. Now puree in the blender.
  10. And there you have it.
  11. Call it pasta sauce, lather it on pizza or dip mozzarella sticks into it.
Extra tips:
  1. - Season the sauce later on right before you puree it and do lots of tasting.
  2. - If you like a chunkier sauce, you can puree half the tomatoes and leave the rest as it is then mix them up.
  3. - I used Herbs de Provence here. Buy some, use it for this sauce and you’ll find yourself using in practically everything else you make.