So, nut butter. Nut. Butter. Nutbutter. I love saying that. It sounds so right. Some nuts are meant to be turned into soft, velvety, buttery goodness.
And the perfectly delicious cashew is one of them.
Cashews are everyone’s secret favourite nuts. They are always the first to disappear from mixed nut bowls at parties, even though people nonchalantly pretend to prefer almonds before stuffing their faces full of cashews as soon as nobody’s looking. Then they pretend not to know who finished off all the cashews.
Those people aren’t me.
All you need is a bag of cashews. And a non wimpy food processor (because otherwise it will die a smokey death) and you’re good to go.
Cashews (any amount)
Stuff you’ll need:
Food processor preferably over 600 watts
Roast or microwave the cashews for a minute until they’re hot. This makes the process go faster.
Now pulse.
Then give your food processer a break.
Pulse again. See how it’s slowly butter-ing?
Keep going.
Give the processor another break.
Make sure it’s not getting too hot.
There you go.
Cashew Butter
- Cashews (any amount)
Stuff you'll need:
- Food processor preferably over 600 watts
- Roast or microwave the cashews for a minute until they’re hot. This makes the process go faster.
- Now pulse.
- Then give your food processer a break.
- Pulse again. See how it’s slowly butter-ing?
- Keep going.
- Give the processor another break.
- Make sure it’s not getting too hot.
- Ready?
- There you go.