The Perfect Burger


I know, I know. Pretty presumptuous to call any recipe perfect, and a burger recipe no less. Some like their burgers fast food style, others prefer theirs thick and juicy. Some like plain cheese while others love more gourmet toppings like duck a la goat cheese or whatever people put on burgers these days.

This burger however is the kind of burger that nobody would ever say no to. There is nothing to not like about this burger. Not too thin, not too thick; can be grilled on the stove or on an outside grill; no eggs, breadcrumbs or weird things in it; just pure beefy goodness that makes a perfect vessel for any toppings your heart desires.

Now according to my favourite website of all time Serious Eats, making the perfect burger is all about technique. Minimal additions to the raw meat, very little handling of the beef and no pressing on the poor burger while it’s on the grill.

Read on.

1 pound/500 grams ground beef with a 15-20% percentage of fat
Salt and pepper to taste
Onion powder (optional)
Oil for greasing the pan


Put your ground beef in a big bowl.


Carefully and only using your fingers mix in salt, pepper and onion powder (not a must, but it gives a little kick). Don’t knead, mangle, squeeze or squidge. Keep the meat fluffy and pebbly.


Form beef into loosely packed patties. Gently pat each handful into a ball.


Make a dent in the middle of each burger patty and grill on a well-oiled grill or pan.

Don’t press on your burgers. I repeat, do not press on your burgers. You want all that juicy juiciness inside the burger not pooling in the pan. Flip burger a couple of times to distribute said juiciness.


Add cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, caramelized onions, whatever floats your boat and dig in.


The Perfect Burger

  • 1 pound/500 grams ground beef with a 15-20% percentage of fat
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Onion powder (optional)
  • Oil for greasing the pan
  1. Put your ground beef in a big bowl.
  2. Carefully and only using your fingers mix in salt, pepper and onion powder (not a must, but it gives a little kick). Don’t knead, mangle, squeeze or squidge. Keep the meat fluffy and pebbly.
  3. Form beef into loosely packed patties. Gently pat each handful into a ball.
  4. Make a dent in the middle of each burger patty and grill on a well-oiled grill or pan.
  5. Don’t press on your burgers. I repeat, do not press on your burgers. You want all that juicy juiciness inside the burger not pooling in the pan. Flip burger a couple of times to distribute said juiciness.
  6. Add cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, caramelized onions, whatever floats your boat and dig in.

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